Protected: THE RULE OF 20
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The thing about writing and vlogging about horsemanship lately is that I feel like everything has been said already. That’s not exactly true I suppose but often times it seems like it because mostly my recent revelations are about WHY stuff works and why the masters old and new have said certain things. Take my…
As I recall it was bleeding hot that summer. Temps were over 105 every day. There is no shade at that Dayton Washington arena either but I recall us all being cheerful and happy the whole week long. (Plus there is nothing like a few days of 108-110 to make you really appreciate a 95 degree day and appreciation seems to always be an effective mood elevator.)
The only thing I was doing was setting up an idea that she might be able to feel something different and giving her all the time in the world to think about that and make an adjustment if she wanted to. Because she’s so sensitive and, miracle of miracles so confident, it felt almost like she was curious.
Photo by Nicole Poyo Photography Follow her on Instagram@nicolepoyo Yep. I said poofy. A little like fluffing a pillow on the couch or a bow on a Christmas present. The rectangle is ideally quite poofy. Ha! I remember when I first realized this. I was up in the arena with Nigel and even though he was…